Sunday, October 28, 2007

my first trip

when i was 20, i prepared for first trip.

there was Camotes in the philippines. i like traveling , so i always think about trip...

"where is the best interested in place???"

i have a good word to say for Camotes. If you want to Scuba-diving, you have to go there. Camotes has lots of attractive diving point.
if you want more should click now...


yapy said...

I'm so sorry, Jaechun. Actually, I didn't go to the party because I was so tired on last Friday. It's a great party. wasn't it?

Anyway I like your hair style in your picture and I like a scubadiving, too.

Sometimes we can drive to somewhere together.

Bye for now.

Kevin said...


Jae CHun said... you wanna die!!!!