Tuesday, November 13, 2007


(This is korea movie..friend..)

The difference between a friend and a real friend...

A friend never saw you crying..
but a real friend's shoulder is wet with his tears..

A friend never knows your parent's name..
but a real friend even has your parents phone number on his list..

A friend will bring a wine to your party..
while a real friend will come before the party, help you get ready for the party,
and will go home late because that
he was cleaning up everything up after the party.

When you call a friend in the middle of the night,
he will get mad for calling this late..
a real friend will complain that it took a long time calling him..!

A friend will want to talk about your problems..
but a real friend will want to help with that problem..

When you get into a fight with your friend,
he thinks that his friendship is over
but a real friend will call you and will apologize first..

A friend wants you to always stay with him,
but a real friend always wants to stay close to you..

I really want to ask you guys here..
that do you guys have any real friends,
or even just one friend with you right now...


Silver♡ said...

Your writing makes me to think many things! I am impressed on your writing~ I want I have real friend as your writing. and I will try to be real friend to my friends.

yapy said...

Thank you. Jae chun. I could consider again about the real friend. However, I can't believe this writing is yours origianly. Didn't you write it, did you? ^^

Kevin said...

I'm afraid to say that..
but I can say I've alredy get real friends..
Sometimes..I miss them and the time we had..in calgary..
I've never met real friends in calgry..it could be very sad to me..on the other hand, I can think I would change my mind or personality..

Jae CHun said...

haha...my homestay father helped to me...kkk

Sarah said...

Hi Jae Chun.
Eventhoug your homestay father helped you, I think what is written
is exactly what you think and want.
It was a very beautiful statement, almos a poem.